博天堂官方 Board of Education votes unanimously to place bond request on ballot this May 回应社会需要 | 博天堂官方-博天堂官方

博天堂官方 Board of Education votes unanimously to place bond request on ballot this May 回应社会需要

Bond would build new Agricultural Center, improve child care, 维修老化楼宇 

奥尔巴尼,矿石. -- To address community needs, the 林本顿社区学院 (博天堂官方) Board of Education is asking voters to consider a $16 million general obligation bond in the 即将到来的五月大选. The decision was made unanimously at the Board’s public meeting 在2月16日晚上举行. 如果通过,该担保将允许该学院 support evolving employer needs by continuing to offer high-quality education to students 现在和将来.


  • Construction of a new Agricultural Center to offer expanded animal science and crop 土壤生产培训

博天堂官方 is committed to addressing the needs of the local agricultural community by providing future farmers and livestock managers of Oregon with the hands-on training in agriculture, crop and soil production, and animal science they require to be successful. 如果获得通过, the bond would provide the community with a new 博天堂官方 Agricultural Center that includes needed equipment and space to expand student enrollment, and expand program offerings 以满足本地雇主的需要. 这将包括提供一个新的 Applied Associates Degree in Veterinary Technology, in partnership with the Oregon State University School of Veterinary Medicine, as well as other applied learning degrees that would address a current gap in agricultural education. 此外, Center would allow the college to host events for community groups including 4H, FFA, and equine classes, and local competitions and events.

Currently the college is forced to turn students away from its successful Agriculture 和动物科学课程由于有限的空间. 也没有中心的地方 train students or room to adapt to the changing needs of area farmers, including lack of room to offer crop and soil production technology and training. 学生现在必须 use neighboring farms and outside facilities to gain hands-on experience.

  • 翻新并重新开放博天堂官方托儿中心

The bond would allow 博天堂官方 to renovate the childcare center located at the main campus in Albany, helping to improve early learning opportunities for kids and getting parents 重返工作岗位. This would not only provide much-needed childcare services for students and employees, but also allow the college to use the childcare center as a “lab” that provides hands-on learning spaces for early childhood education students—a role in 在我们目前的经济中,就业需求很高.

  • Allow 博天堂官方 to make critical repairs to aging facilities

This bond measure would allow 博天堂官方 to make needed, large-scale repairs including increasing accessibility for people with disabilities, addressing safety hazards and deferred maintenance, and make upgrades to outdated boilers and HVAC systems. 这包括 updating and expanding the Learning and Career Center located at the 博天堂官方 Benton Center in Corvallis which provides space for tutoring, testing, and career counseling. It would also allow the center to serve more students without increasing staffing, as well as to provide updated meeting rooms used by community partners such as the Small Business Development Center and the Parenting Success Network. 通过这些修复 in place, 博天堂官方’s buildings would be able to function and educate future generations 未来几十年.

If approved, the bond would cost taxpayers approximately 7 cents per $1,000 of assessed tax value and include built-in accountability steps such as independent auditing to 确保钱花得明智而有效. 债券也会开一个 matching appropriation from the state of Oregon in the amount of eight million dollars in 额外的 对农业中心的支持 providing a total of $24 million in support to the community through 博天堂官方 projects. 此外, bond would also make the college eligible for future state and federal 育儿补助. 

“Passing this bond ensures state matching funds are spent right here in our community, creating employment opportunities and improving the livelihoods of Linn and Benton residents,” said Chair of the 博天堂官方 Board of Directors, and Sweet 首页 representative, 克里斯汀·亚当斯. “Students will receive the best instruction and latest equipment available in the field, resulting in good-paying jobs that are vital to our local industries, including veterinary technicians, crop production, farm management, horse breeding 畜牧生产. Just as we have done in manufacturing and healthcare, we are excited to continue the tradition of creating direct employment pathways that 满足雇主的需求.”  

博天堂官方 is committed to meeting the unique needs of rural families in Oregon with the kind of instruction that will keep family farms and growing companies flourishing and contributing to our local economy,” said 博天堂官方 President, Dr. 丽莎·艾弗里. “我们认为 this bond as an opportunity to take a critical step forward in investing in education that is open to all and provides real futures for generations to come.”

To check your registration status or for more information on how to register to vote, 请访问 www.oregonvotes.政府


